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NEECOM Spring 2020 Two-Day Conference

May 20, 2020 @ 8:00 am - May 21, 2020 @ 5:00 pm

| $125.00 - $280.00

NEECOM Agenda for Day 1 – Wednesday May 20th, 2020

Morning Program:

8:00     Registration/Continental Breakfast


8:30     Annual Meeting and Opening Remarks

            Ira Keltz | NEECOM President, Partners HealthCare System


8:45     Intelligent Automation – The Use of Robotic Process Automation ‘Bots’ in Supply Chain

            Benjamin Berkowitz | Director of Intelligent Automation, Partners Healthcare

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has the potential to change the way we do work, as part of the digital industrial revolution come hear about how Partners Healthcare is changing the way Healthcare does its work utilizing Intelligent Automation in it’s Supply Chain.


9:30     Peppol – It’s the Hottest New Global EDI Religion

  Todd Gould | CEO, Loren Data Corp.

From UBL/XML standard to AS4 communications with directory services and global governance, Peppol looked back at what worked and what didn’t work in four decades of EDI, delivering a working global model for eInvoicing and much, much more. Come explore Peppol business, technical and philosophical perspectives and see why the world is talking Peppol.


10:15   Networking and Refreshment Break


10:30   The State of RFID Adoption and Industry Overview

             Jonathan Gregory | Director, Community Engagement | GS1 US

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) enables the capture of item-level data with unprecedented speed and accuracy.  This technology has been adopted in several industries, most notably in Apparel for item-level tracking.  This session will provide an orientation to the technology, discuss business benefits, and outline various relevant standards and industry resources.


11:15   X12 Update: Goodbye to Restricted Code Versions and Hello to Bridge and Glass

            Andrew Fitzpatrick | X12 Operations and Licensing

X12 standards are the workhorse of business to business exchanges proven by the billions of transactions based on X12 standards that are used daily in various industries including supply chain, transportation, government, finance, and health care. Millions of entities around the world have an established infrastructure that supports X12 transactions. Most will agree that standards are important, and in doing so what can X12 do to increase standardization across its implementation base? Introducing: the ISX segment to decouple code versions from transactions; Bridge is a new web resource providing a view of X12’s extensive standardized metadata vocabulary in a syntax neutral form; Glass is X12’s online viewer, providing easy and convenient web-based access to available versions of X12’s work.


12:00  Lunch


Afternoon Program:


1:00     Keynote: Leading Through Influence and Professional Growth

            Eric Bloom | Executive Director, IT Management and Leadership Institute

Office Influence is the tip of spear in all interpersonal communication activities, including negotiation, change, sales, leadership, conflict resolution and more. Negotiation is a highly interactive two-way type of influence. Sales is influencing customers to buy your products and services. The list goes on and on.

This talk, based on Eric Bloom’s book “Office Influence: Get What You Want from the Mailroom to the Boardroom”, explains how to enhance your office influence through the process of professional growth, industry leading concepts and ready-to-use tools, tips and techniques.

Features include!

  • Pre-talk online survey to understand attendee thoughts on office influence
  • Comparison of our overall research results versus attendee results
  • Definitions, concepts and the ROI on studying influence
  • 53 person and business attributes that enhance or detract from your ability to influence others
  • Factors that affect people’s willingness to say “yes”
  • Things people want/need in return for being influenced
  • Post-talk online individualized assessment producing a customized 20+ page

PDF analysis, advice and action plan

This talk will help attendees:

  • Increase their knowledge of key influence concepts, techniques and practices
  • Enhance their ability to influence those inside and outside your organization
  • Create their own action plan designed to maximize their office influence

 2:00  How UNFI Modernized B2B Transaction Processing with IBM

Sterling B2B Integrator and APIs

Joe Mandato | Director of Software Engineering, CoEnterprise


2:45     Networking and Refreshment Break


3:15    Coronavirus Impact on Retail Drop Ship/World-wide Supply Chain

            Kevin Kelly | VP, Sales Engineering, DI Central

With the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus all across China, several manufacturing companies have been closed down in an effort to contain the spread of the virus. This has a ripple effect across the globe as Asian exports that are critical to the world-wide real-time supply chain in many industries, (Retail, Healthcare, Automotive, Manufacturing, etc.). Kevin will describe key impacts on US companies and how they plan to manage potential disruptions as we move toward the holiday season later this year.


4:00     Raffle/Refreshments/Networking/Adjourn


NEECOM Agenda for Day 2 – Thursday, May 21st, 2020


Track   1: Leading Through Influence: An Innovative Full Day Course for Technical & Business Professionals


Track   2: EDI-101: An Introduction to Electronic Data Interchange


*** Both Courses start at 830am promptly and end at 3pm ***


Track 1:  

Leading Through Influence – An Innovative Full Day Course for Technical & Business Professionals


Eric P. Bloom | Executive Director, IT Management and Leadership Institute


Office Influence is the tip of spear in all interpersonal communication activities, including negotiation, change, sales, leadership, conflict resolution and more. Negotiation is a highly interactive two-way type of influence. Sales is influencing customers to buy your products and services. The list goes on and on.

This workshop, based on Eric Bloom’s book “Office Influence: Get What You Want from the Mailroom to the Boardroom”, explains how to maximize your influential presence through professional growth, and the use of industry leading influence concepts, ready-to-use tools, tips and techniques.


Workshop features include!

Pre-workshop activities by each attendee (optional):

  • Ten-minute online survey on the importance of various personal influential attributes
  • Fifteen-minutes online personal assessment of workplace influential presence
  • Computer-generated individualized 20+ page eBook on how to enhance your workplace influence

In-workshop activities, concepts and features

  • Definitions, concepts and the ROI on studying influence
  • Understanding the barriers to influence
  • 53 person and business attributes that enhance or detract from your ability to influence others
  • Factors that affect people’s willingness to say “yes”
  • Things people want/need in return for being influenced
  • Push and Pull influence types
  • Situational influence
  • Influence profiles
  • Influence prioritization (prioritizing who to influence)
  • Specific tips and techniques on using influence in the workplace

Post-workshop activities (optional)

  • 360 online assessments of the leadership team or individual team members
  • Team or individual executive coaching to enhance influential capabilities
  • Ongoing online re-assessment to track progress and future steps


This workshop will help attendees:

  • Increase their knowledge of key influence concepts, techniques and practices
  • Enhance their ability to influence those inside and outside your organization
  • Create their own action plan designed to maximize their office influence
  • Enhance their individual effectiveness and their team’s success





Track 2:  

EDI-101 – An Introduction to Electronic Data Interchange

Anthony D’Angelo | SVP Corporate Development, Loren Data Corp.


Course Description:

Are you new to EDI? Does everything seem confusing and difficult to understand? This session will break down each component and give you a greater comprehension of this technology. From its beginnings to the X12 standards, translation software, communications choices and beyond you will learn what a day in the life of an EDI professional should be. This is also a great opportunity for managers and staff in any area of Supply Chain (AP, Purchasing, Receiving, Shipping, Transportation, etc.) who works with EDI documents as part of your job to get a better understanding of Electronic Data Interchange. Your instructor has over 30 years of experience working with EDI and literally wrote the code to make it work at multiple companies along the way. In this full-day class, you will receive as much of his experience as possible. Also hear what the future might bring to the industry as well as an opportunity to ask the questions that no one else will answer.


8:00                 Registration/Continental Breakfast


8:30                 EDI 101 Part One: EDI Fundamentals


10:00               Networking and Refreshment Break


10:15               EDI 101 Part Two: EDI Translation and Business Application


12:00               Lunch


1:00                 EDI 101 Part Three: Communication Types and Strategies for Successful EDI Implementation


2:30                 Networking and Refreshment Break


2:45                 EDI 101

                        Part Four: Q&A – answering your specific EDI questions


3:00                 Adjourn


May 20, 2020 @ 8:00 am
May 21, 2020 @ 5:00 pm
$125.00 - $280.00



Thank you to our October 2024 Sponsors!