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NEECOM Fall Conference with Vendor Exhibits – Thursday October 25th, 2018

October 25, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

| $125.00 - $180.00


Annual Fall Conference with Vendor Exhibits

Thursday, October 25TH, 2018

Morning Program:

8:00     Registration/Continental Breakfast Plus!

8:30     Annual Meeting and Opening Remarks

Ira Keltz, NEECOM President, Partners HealthCare System, Inc.

8:45     Change Management for your Vendor Community: Tips on Managing Through Process Technology Changes That Affect a Large Portion of Existing Vendors.

Josh Marder – Sales Director – Strategic Enterprise Accounts SPS Commerce

Vendor enablement is often thought of as a pain, but it doesn’t have to be. During this session, we’ll talk through how you can create effective outreach programs that get the adoption you need for your business. We’ll share tips that will transform how you introduce new changes to your trading partner community, drive compliance and maximize adoption.

9:30     How to Avoid Fees, Fines and Chargebacks, and Gain Control Back Over Your EDI !

Joe Mandato, Director of Software Engineering,  Co-Enterprise

Did you know that the average company blows 3-5% of their annual profits on fines and chargebacks?  For a Fortune 100 company, that could be as high as $2 million annually!  You should be able to save your profits, and not spend it paying for mistakes you don’t need to make.  Join us as we take a deeper look at how you can gain control back over your EDI with a few simple steps.

Attendees will

  • Learn some best practices on how to properly analyze and act upon your EDI transactions
  • Ensure you have a system in place to identify discrepancies in your orders/shipments before they become major issues
  • Set up processes to automatically monitor for errors and receive contextual alerts on exceptions

10:15        Vendor Exhibits, Networking and Refreshment Break

10:45   Automation of Non-EDI Trading Partners – The Art of the Possible to Automate 100% of Your Company’s Trading Partner Community.

Patrick O’Malley, North American Sales Leader, IBM – Watson Supply Chain

Automation of B2B Trading Partners is generally captured by electronic (EDI) processes.  The long tail issue is how do you capture and automate 100% of your Trading Partner community?  Not all suppliers have full electronic capabilities and are still conducting business by (Fax, Emails, Attachment and spreadsheets).  The ability to capture these manual processes and transform them into an electronic format drastically reduces manual errors, time to process a common transaction (PO, Invoice or a Load Tender, etc) and lower costs of doing business.

 11:30  “Team Beatz” – A Program Designed to Enhance Teamwork, Leadership, and Respect in the Workplace

Rich Regione, Founder, Youth Beatz

The Team Beatz program combines percussion and rhythmic movement, providing students, adults, and communities with a healthy, high-quality, enrichment experience that has an active focus on important life topics and soft skills, such as, Support, Belief, Respect, Teamwork, Control, Responsibility, Empathy, Compassion, Fitness, and Positive Choice Patterns. Our active programs and performance based lesson plans are centered on mentoring, and living and succeeding by example.

12:15 – 1:15   Lunch & Vendor Exhibits

 Afternoon Program:

1:15     Presentation of the 2018 NEECOM EC/EDI Solution of the Year Award

1:30     Mobile App Development for E-Commerce

Joe Dupree, Group VP, Global Marketing, LANSA

Everyone wants a few more mobile apps than they have.  And if you built one last year, you’re likely suffering a mobile app maintenance hangover.

  1. Kinds of mobile apps most likely making a big different in supply chain businesses.  (fleet management, driver and shipment tracking, order-ship-invoice management, management dashboards, exception handling, issue and ticket tracking and resolution)
  2. Comparing and contrasting the major architectural backing for your apps:  {Native, Hybrid, Progressive}
  3. Understanding and managing the team skill maintenance of mobile app development {programming languages, device OS’s, native device features (map, camera, etc), app deployment}
  4. Foreseeable changes that will further complicate architecture decisions:  conversational user experience, AI integration, the world beyond apps, dominance of online marketplaces.
  5. Business rule management.  How do you code and keep your supply chain business rules intact across all these systems and apps?

 2:15   Yes, Retailers & Distributors Can Survive & Thrive by Unifying Commerce & Supply Chain

Chad Andrews, Solutions Architect, enVista Corp

There is no question these are challenging times for many traditional retailers and distributors, as the landscape changes dramatically and new threats emerge with regularity, adding even more pressure to supply chains. But savvy retailers and distributors are finding success by moving beyond even omnichannel thinking to truly unified commerce. What does that mean? Start with an intense focus on the end-to-end customer experience. Add full integration across both internal applications and your network of trading partners. And most importantly, connecting people, process and technology across commerce and supply chain operations. It can be done, giving your company a chance to thrive in the new digital world. It’s easier than you think. (As seen on Supply Chain Digest’s Videocast)

 3:00     Vendor Exhibits, Networking and Refreshment Break

 3:30     API-Driven B2B Integration- Leveraging APIs and Microservices to Simplify B2B Integration and Drive Growth.

              Michael Albritton, Managing Director, RSSBus

Whether your focus is on internal operations, partner integrations, or public data access, APIs are the key to increasing business agility and unlocking the innovation potential of your data. In this presentation, Michael will lay the foundations and best practices around how to enable and connect APIs & Microservices that will make it easier to test, scale, modify, and deliver automation across your enterprise.


 4:15     Raffle & Refreshments/Exhibits/Adjourn


October 25, 2018
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$125.00 - $180.00



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