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NEECOM Annual Fall 2019 Conference with Vendor Exhibits

October 17, 2019 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

| $125.00 - $180.00


Annual Fall Conference with Vendor Exhibits


Thursday, October 17TH, 2019

Morning Program:


8:00     Registration/Continental Breakfast Plus!


8:30     Annual Meeting and Opening Remarks

                  Ira Keltz, NEECOM President, Partners HealthCare System, Inc.


8:45     Thriving in the Age of Amazon

                   Austin Rader, Solutions Architect, enVista Corp

U.S. retail stores’ planned closings already exceed total closed in 2018! Many omni-channel and brick and mortar retailers, however, are finding success competing against e-commerce giants. With the right systems, facilities and distribution network improvements, retailers can shift their focus away from merely surviving to thriving in the age of Amazon.


Find out about:

  1. Advantages retailers can have over e-commerce giants
  2. Technologies to leverage to ensure operational excellence
  3. Process improvements for competitive advantage
  4. How to create a unified customer experience across all channels


9:30     Using Microsoft Excel Macros – Tips and Tricks for Processing B2B Data

                   Lori McEniry, VP Administration, Faxinating Solutions, Inc.

Faxinating Solutions allows businesses to exchange any document, in any electronic format, by providing a data translation bridge between the trading partners. Our B2B services focus on the exchange – transforming that document into the exact file format  required by our client. I focus on Operations – the internal functioning of the corporation that supports our services. We have to schedule our data verifiers according to incoming transaction volume and our clients’ SLA requirements. Compensation is based on employee productivity. I create the tools, through Excel, to evaluate how well we allocate our resources, to measure and compensate employee productivity and to determine what areas can be improved. Excel allows rapid idea to implementation and provides the framework for systems integration.

This presentation is for people who are new to Excel macros. I have discovered many “tips and tricks” through a lot of trial and error. I may not be an expert, but I’m willing to share my experience that I hope will help shorten your Excel macro learning curve!


10:15        Vendor Exhibits, Networking and Refreshment Break


10:45 X12 – Alive and Well after 4 Decades

 Andrew Fitzpatrick, X12 Operations and Licensing

Andrew will present updates happening at our industry’s standards organization, ASC X12, including new and exciting services becoming available from the standards group.  Also in this session, there will be updates from the B2X committee, formed to advance the adoption of new and existing data exchange standards

11:30   Why Your Data Sucks, and What You Can Do About It

             David Matsil, President Business Development, Enhanced Retail Solutions

In this day and age, EDI and other data should be clean and pristine, right? Well, it’s not.  And after 17 years of cleaning up after our clients data, we have a lot to say about the subject. We would run through 3 different case studies to explore the pitfalls and offer best practice solutions to combat them.

12:15 – 1:15   Lunch & Vendor Exhibits

Afternoon Program:

1:15     Presentation of the 2019 NEECOM EC/EDI Solution of the Year Award


1:30     Keynote Address: Reaching Your Peak Potential – Achieve a Vision Beyond Your Sight

                   Randy Pierce, President, Vision Quest 2020

Randy Pierce is a captivating motivational speaker who draws upon his life experiences to inspire, entertain, and teach. Randy creates a powerful connection to his audience through unique viewpoints on the adventures and challenges of a man who chose a life filled with incredible adventure-laden experiences despite his being suddenly stricken with a neurological disease rendering him blind at age 22. Participants experience the highs, lows, and problem-solving techniques used to convert adversity into methods of achieving our peak potential.

His realization that you truly don’t need to see in order to have a vision–or to bring that vision to reality–is the inspirational backdrop for a methodology as powerful as the motivation behind his message. Randy came to believe that most of our limits in life are self-imposed; that far too often, we accept and thereby empower the notion of “can’t.” It is an idea that–when framed with Randy’s compelling personal story–invariably resonates with people, giving them new energy to engage the possibilities that lie within their grasp. Emphasizing goal-setting, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication with amusing anecdotes and demonstrable achievements, he will motivate each participant to set and achieve their own goals.


 2:15 Coping With the Speed of Change

Dan Marino, Senior Partner, Marino Associates, LLC.

Over the last 25 years, I have had the opportunity to work with many different companies all over the world. These companies have been in various stages of their Life Cycle, some of the companies were in a tremendous growth cycle, some very mature with steady growth intrinsically and through mergers and acquisitions, and others on the end of their life cycle trying to figure out the next chapter for their companies. Regardless of what life cycle companies are in I typically get asked by Senior Management very similar questions:

    • What will it take to improve the alignment of strategy and execution?
    • What will it take to improve processes and systems in all areas?
    • What will it take to improve the ability of employees to embrace change?
    • How can we improve the process of coping with change in all departments?
    • How can we eliminate the amount of change and the speed of change?
    • What systems can I purchase to improve my capability to manage change?
    • Do we need more complicated and detailed processes and systems to manage change?

Learn how the best companies deal with change and then implement these suggestions in your own companies.


 3:00     Vendor Exhibits, Networking and Refreshment Break


3:30   Parts and Warranty Validation Automotive Retail Store on the Blockchain Hyperledger Use Case      

  Tim Leonard, VP, Kleinschmidt

Today companies use EDI (X12, EDIFACT, API, JSON, XML) technology to exchange information.  Decentralized Ledger Technology used in conjunction with EDI, what we call EDLT, will provide benefits to all participants in the supply chain ecosystem.  Using EDLT includes the inherent EDI advantages plus immutable data, trust, greater transparency, and enhanced security.  The value proposition for blockchain use in the automotive aftermarket/retail vertical for parts and warranty validation process, will be discussed.


 4:15       Raffle & Refreshments/Exhibits/Adjourn



October 17, 2019
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$125.00 - $180.00



Thank you to our October 2024 Sponsors!